*CANCELLED* Business Meeting

  • Thu, April 02, 2020
  • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Richardson Woman's Club (Clubhouse), 2005 N Cliffe Dr, Richardson TX 75082

**MEETING CANCELLED** Based on the CDC's guidance and recommendations to cancel, postpone and/or modify group events in order to promote social distancing, Altrusa is following these recommendations for the health and safety of our members and canceling all in-person activities March 13 thru April 30, 2020.   Some events, when possible, may be transitioned to an online / remotely attended meeting... Stay tuned! 

You are invited to join us!  Guests Welcomed!  

Each Altrusa member is an important part of the decision-making of our Club! It is the fellowship experienced at meetings and the working together in service that brings full value to Altrusa membership.

You are encouraged to participate in our Business Meetings, which are held on the first Thursday of each month.  You are also encouraged to bring guests to all meeting to learn more about Altrusa.

Members will receive an email when the Meeting Agenda and Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) are posted on the website, which are only available through Member Sign-in access.