• Sat, October 05, 2019
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Cindy McIntyre's house


Registration is closed

It is time for our annual Book Swap!

Altrusans and friends bring books they have finished reading and trade them for new reads, share a meal, and have fun!

The Retention Committee will provide hot dogs and chili.  Attendees are encouraged to bring food to share.

Please bring your books to swap with each other and any extra books will be used in club service projects.

Feel free to bring a guest, spouse, potential member, etc. to this fun event.

Bring Books!  Books!  and more Books! 

Bring a Chair to ensure YOU have a seat.

BYOB - Wine, Beer, etc. 

Bring your husband, significant other, friend, or potential member!

Please register yourself and your guests so we will how much food to prepare.