Make A Difference Day: SEATS & FEETS Collection

  • Sat, October 26, 2019
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Sophomore Sisters invite you to help donate children socks and underwear in honor of 2019 Make A Difference Day.

Please bring your donations to the October Business and Dinner Meetings. (October 3 and October 17)

Under the leadership of Sarah Nesbit, the Sophomore Sisters have planned a special project for this fall.  It is called “SEATS & FEETS” and will be a collection of new underwear and socks for young children.  These will be collected, packaged in groups of two, and given to Network of Community Ministries to hand out to their clients. 

We’ll be doing the packaging on “Make a Difference Day” so we only have a few weeks to meet our goal.  Our stretch goal is to collect 1000 articles of clothing.   This may sound impossible, but you might be surprised at how far a few dollars will go.  For instance, I was able to purchase 45 pair of socks for only $20 at the Dollar Tree store. 

We have a budget of $600 to draw from and hope to also be able to use  some of the Community Funds that have yet to be distributed.  But to be successful, we need each and every Altrusan (and hopefully friends and family) to contribute

Imagine being a small child and not even having enough clean underwear or socks to last for a week of school!  The cost of a lunch or dinner can change that for a child.  Sara Deats has designed the wonderful colorful flyer for our project.  Share this email with your friends and family. 

On behalf of all the Sophomore Sisters, (Mary Beodosky, Mary Boyter, Linda Calkin, Sara Burton Deats, Sarah Saunders, and Thanh Tran) thank you in advance for your contributions to this worthy cause.