Lone Star Book Rotation

  • Sat, March 25, 2023
  • 9:00 AM
  • Richardson Public Library


Registration is closed

Lone Star Book Rotation

JOIN US in rotating library books among our senior living facilities and the Senior Center.  Many senior living facility residents are unable to visit the Richardson Public Library on their own and are appreciative of having a variety of books available to them in their residence libraries.

We need at least three Altrusans to pair with three volunteers from the Men’s Exchange Club who can help with any heavy lifting. In addition, three appropriate vehicles (i.e. SUVs) are needed. So, if you have one, please drive it if you can.

Meet at the library front door, then proceed to the Basement Program room. We are greeted with coffee, juice and donuts! The book rotation takes about 1.5 hours. Join us!! You’ll be glad you did. Thank you.