Honor Gerry Carron

  • Wed, August 09, 2023
  • 6:00 PM
  • Friends Place


Registration is closed

We would like to honor our sister Altrusan, Gerry Carron, on Wednesday, August 9th from 6pm to 7:30pm. We will gather at Friends Place, 1960 Nantucket Dr, Richardson, TX 75080.

 Let's plan to share our memories of Gerry and rejoice we had the pleasure of knowing and loving her. She definitely made an impact on everyone she met. This will be a casual event and we are requesting that each attendee bring either a snack such as cheese and crackers, fruit, dip and chips, finger sandwiches, cookies, or a beverage-bottle of wine or soft drinks.

 Please register your attendance on the Altrusa website and indicate your choice of snack or beverage so we won't have a lot of duplication. 

Please contact Kay George, kayrose4@tx.rr.com or Laura Trainor-Collins lauratrainor@verizon.net with any questions.