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Wine & Cheese Party: Add an Altrusan

  • Thu, April 02, 2015
  • 6:15 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Richardson Woman's Club (Clubhouse)


Registration is closed

April is Altrusa International’s “Add An Altrusan Month”, and in observance, the Membership Recruitment Committee is holding a “ BRING A GUEST  -- Wine and Cheese Party” at 6:15 pm prior to the April business meeting. This is a PERFECT EVENT to bring someone you think would be an good Altrusan. Please remember those folks who may have come to another event and invite them to meet us again. Here’s your opportunity to add to our wonderful group of Altrusa sisters.   Of course, guests may come just for the “happy ¾ hour” but we highly encourage them to stay for the meeting. If things work out right, we could even initiate some new members in May!!



Altrusa International of Richardson Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

© 2021 Altrusa Richardson

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Altrusa International of Richardson

P.O. Box 832101

Richardson, TX 75083-2101

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