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Big Game Viewing Party

  • Sun, February 04, 2018
  • 4:30 PM
  • Wing’d Nut Sports Bar ‘n Grill, 720 E. Campbell Road, Richardson, TX 75081


Registration is closed

Join your fellow Altrusans and their fellows Sunday, February 4  to take in the Big Game  excitement!  It’s our annual “Altrousers” event where spouses, significant  others, partners, dates or friends are invited to the party.  Join the fun at Wing’d Nut Sports Bar and Grill in Eastside Richardson, beginning at 4:30 pm.  We’ll need to get a head count so group seating can be arranged, so be sure to register on line. Registration deadline is January 26. There will be no charge for this Membership Retention event;  what you order in the way of food and beverages is your choice and their menu is inexpensive, the screens are humongous, and the atmosphere is fun!  Plus, since the bulk of their SuperBowl day sales comes from takeout, the manager is delighted to have us!!  So come before the game so we don’t miss one minute of the pre-game excitement and, of course, the commercials!  

Altrusa International of Richardson Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

© 2021 Altrusa Richardson

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Altrusa International of Richardson

P.O. Box 832101

Richardson, TX 75083-2101

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