We hope this finds you all healthy and safe during this pandemic. Much in our lives has changed due to COVID-19, and we are sure there are more changes ahead as we rethink and adapt to a new “normal.” The Leadership Team would like to invite you to join us for an hour to improve our club as we adapt to the new challenges of these changing times.
Because of the changes within Altrusa at the local, District and International levels of our organization, the Leadership Team of Brenda Duckett, Christine Hart and Sue McElveen would like to host a Fall Zoom Leadership Seminar. This is yet another way we have had to change to adapt to the pandemic circumstances.
The theme of the seminar will be based on a book called “Who Moved My Cheese” by Spencer Johnson, M.D. We are asking you to please read this little book, and/or watch a UTube video of the book. Go to: Who Moved My Cheese to watch this short cartoon about the book or you can get a copy of the book from our President, Samanthia Slaight. Either way we hope you find it informative and get you to thinking about ways we have changed as a club, and ways we can continue to change to help us do the work we need to do in the community as a volunteer organization.
Click on this link to go to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOUeHPS8A8g
Some questions you might consider:
1. Which character in the parable do you think you are?
2. How can we adapt to change and still keep moving toward our goals?
3. How has change that our club has undergone affected you?
4. What would you do if you were not afraid of change?
5. How can we better anticipate change?
Please go to our website at Altrusa Richardson - Home and register to attend this lively debate and learning session. We hope you will engage with us on Saturday, October 24, starting at 11 A.M. Closer to the date of the Zoom meeting the Leadership Team will send out an agenda for the meeting.
This seminar will be a little different than what we regularly get to do, another example of change. The upside is that there is no cost for this since we will not be having an outside speaker, nor will we be paying for a lunch. However, if you have friends you would like to introduce to Altrusa this will be a perfect time to invite them to join us.
Christine Hart, chairman of the Membership Committee will be opening the session with a brief synopsis of the book/video. This is just in case you have not had time (just how busy are you during COVID?
) to read the book or view the video. Then Brenda Duckett will lead the discussion and get us involved in finding ways to help us make change not such a daunting or scary task.
Also, Mary Osentowski and Sylvia McClosky, as chairs of the Strategic Planning Committee, will be on hand to answer any questions you may have about how COVID-19 has affected the goals of our club.
Sue McElveen will be the host of this session and hopefully keep things moving along giving each person an opportunity to ask questions, provide insight that you have discovered and contribute to the conversation.
Sign up and tune in to our Fall Leadership Event on October 24 at 11:00 A.M.
Sue McElveen
Altrusa International of Richardson, Inc.