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We are excited to invite you to "Be Outstanding" and participate in our Outstanding Women of Today Luncheon. Check out our community impact and Join us as we serve more and give more in 2024!.......... Check out Altrusa's calendar for all upcoming events!
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Kindness Weekend aka "KAN" Weekend

  • Sat, April 01, 2023
  • 8:30 AM - 1:30 PM
  • Friends Place Adult Day Services, 1960 Nantucket, Richardson TX


  • Hands on Projects

Registration is closed

Kindness Action Ninja Weekend 

We need all our members to volunteer that day as we have two venues.

This is a multifaceted and complex event, and we need 100% participation.  If you are not in town, let Cindy McIntyre know as there are prep things to be done.  

 We have two venues we are working on April 1st.  

Friends Place:  Sue McElveen will direct activities.

  1. Assembly of Kitten Kits for Richardson Animal Shelter.
  2. Days for Girls assembly and ribbon attachment for menstrual kits.
  3. Baskets for trafficked women at New Friends New Life.

Animal Adoption Event - Location is the lot in front of Natural Grocers and tree lined area along Campbell Road between Chocolate Angel and Floyd Rd.

Need Altrusans to:  

  1. Help vendors unload, set up traffic cones, tables and then park behind Natural Grocers (to save space for our guests).
  2. Manage cat and dog large baskets drawing/donation table.   
  3. Manage Doggie treat bag display table - free but can donate if they choose. 
  4. Assist City Shelter personnel with animals or whatever they need.
  5. Assist Richardson Humane Society with their animals.    
  6. Help pass out bandanas, water bottles if it's hot, (please pray for no rain).
  7. Assist other vendors and rescue groups with whatever they need.

  Presentation of blankets and gift cards to Human Society 

  1.  Jane Tucker to take pictures but everyone should do this with their phones.                                                                                                     

Presentation of Kitten Kits, NFNL  and other items likely around Noon-1:00.  Exact times and recipients TB.  Please stay for these presentations!

Clean up.






Altrusa International of Richardson Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

© 2021 Altrusa Richardson

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Altrusa International of Richardson

P.O. Box 832101

Richardson, TX 75083-2101

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